Airtable alternative to create member directory for your community

We love Airtable too but there's a limit to it's versatility. When you use it to host a member directory for your community, you inevitably run into issues. Especially as your community grows. We created Curated Connections directory tool to solve this problem.

Airtable is a good general purpose tool. How amazing is it that you've been able to create a member directory for your community using it! But if you're reading this, you're probably running into issues with that.

We created our own directory tool to solve exactly those issues. You'll find that this tool solves those problems while giving you the simplicity and aesthetics that your members like.

No back and forth to update info

This is the first problem you run into. One member changes their city and asks you to update their location in the directory. No problem. You open Airtable and make that change for them.

But next day, 2 other members tells you that they would like to update their job status and industry.

That's when it becomes a pain. You would rather have members have the ability to update their info on their own. And guess what, your members would like that too!

If you host your directory on Curated Connections, that's exactly what your members will be able to do.

Member Directory overview

Support networking with Warm email feature

The central purpose a directory solves is it helps your members find and be found by the right people. What do they do after they find the right person? They want to connect with them!

The only way to support this with an Airtable setup is to expose everyone's email to everyone else - which is a privacy nightmare.

But Curated Connections is designed to foster connections. That's why we added the "Warm Email" button. It allows members to reach out to other members in a permissioned manner.

Warm email feature in member directory illustration

Contains everything you love about Airtable

Beautiful rich profiles, tags, search, filters - we know you love these about Airtable. That's why we built them into Curated Connections as well.

Because these features are important to foster connections between your members.

Search, filter and tag

It's easy to migrate all your data

In order to help make your move from Airtable seamless, we've created an import tool that makes it easy to import all the member data you already have.

Import member data

Talking about connections, you also get an automated networking tool

It'll be like LinkedIn had a baby with Tinder - but for your community!

Create networking programs like 1-on-1 masterminds, knowledge exchange or random coffee chats to foster meaningful connections amongst your members.

Automated matchmaking

Key takeaway?

Curated Connections offers a powerful, searchable directory that is designed to foster connections in your community. It has tags, filters and warm emails built in. Thus making it the Airtable replacement you need for your community directory.

Try Curated Connections

Here's a 5-min demo